High efficiency brought by ATC devices | ATC-Spindle.com

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There is a trend now that manufacturers are thinking about how to improve their productivity.

If you are planning to automate production, I have a good suggestion:

First, consider the current tool selection process. We all know that it is a waste of time to manually pause the machine to change the tool. In fact, if these times are saved, it is possible to expand the new product line or new business area and so on to increase the company’s revenue. Therefore, the use of an automatic tool changer to improve the productivity of CNC routers is the perfect solution.

Advantages of automatic tool changer:

1) Most obviously, it helps reduce total production time and increase process efficiency.
2) Of course, because the operator does not need to manually change the tool, it is safer.
3) It reduces the risk of tool loss or damage compared to manual replacement tools
4) It is easier to use large multi-tools.

How to operate the automatic tool changer?

First, you need to set up your system with new tools. Then you have completed the setup and are ready to start machining. You can observe that without the operator’s involvement, the system automatically selects the correct tool based on the defined program and completes the work as quickly as possible.
In addition, as one of the most popular configurations, the automatic tool changer requires a perfect high-efficiency automatic tool changer (ATC) spindle. And it is compatible with our machines.

atc spindle

The premise of these operations is that your CNC router machine already has the conditions for the ATC device. Make sure it has enough space to install.

We specialize in providing you with high-quality automatic tool change ATC spindles and related accessories. We support a global fast delivery service for your order. And you could also visit our store in the Aliexpress.com NewCarve store.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
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